It's important for consumers to know that delta-8 THC products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA for safe use in any context. They can be marketed in ways that jeopardize public health and, especially, should be kept out of reach of children and pets. Some preliminary research supports the claim that delta-8 could cause a milder effect than traditional marijuana. However, since the drug is not regulated, the vast majority of delta-8 products on the market do not look like those tested in a laboratory and may be contaminated with other cannabinoids and heavy metals.
As a result, many experts advise against using it. Delta-8 THC is not the safe alternative to regular THC that is promoted as such. It can have the same effects as regular THC and, since it has not been evaluated or regulated by the FDA, it has not been considered safe to use. Despite this, it is widely available online and in physical stores, with limited regulations.
CBD is often considered safe, and while it may have some benefits, it's important to remember that many CBD products aren't approved by the FDA. Although it may have some benefits, it's important to remember that most CBD products aren't approved by the FDA, which means that they haven't undergone rigorous testing to prove that they're safe. However, there is a danger of buying types of cannabis, such as the controversial THC delta-8, which is banned in many states. Delta-8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), or what some people call “dietary herb” or “light marijuana”, is a psychoactive substance found in the Cannabis sativa plant.
While some claim that it is the mildest and “legal” high that offers relaxation and pain relief, recent warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) state that delta-8 is a potentially dangerous drug that has caused thousands of accidental poisonings. This supposed “milder high” seems to be what is causing delta-8 THC products to increase in popularity and demand. However, recent warnings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration state that delta-8 is a potentially dangerous drug that has caused thousands of accidental poisonings. It is weaker than delta-9, but it still interacts with the same cannabinoid receptors, producing the effects that people like from cannabis, but supposedly without negative effects, such as paranoia.
Perhaps what worries most is the delta-8.An article published by scientists from the University of Rochester found that none of the 27 delta-8 products analyzed contained the amount of delta-8 they claimed. So why is this product that seems to be widely available so dangerous? And what exactly is delta-8? There are a few things you should know about delta-8 and why it poses such serious risks to the health of children and adults. THC delta-9 is the component responsible for the “euphoria” that people can experience when using cannabis and constitutes 90% of the marijuana plant. There is also a risk that harmful chemicals will be added to delta-8 in unregulated laboratories or that the products will be more potent than advertised.
Many people claim that it is natural and safe, but this is not true, as its health effects are unknown. Delta-8 is promoted as a milder version of regular THC, which allows users to feel relaxed and euphoric without panicking or paranoia. The most common form of THC in cannabis plants is delta-9-THC, which is almost identical to delta-8-THC in its chemical structure.